Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood

I admit I’ve soft spot when comes to pastries, cakes, dessert etc coz they are soooo… nice & tasty that I can’t resist their temptation… :P Since today is a public holiday, my friends & I decided to head to Goodwood Park for some dessert…

sugar & cookies for our tea
Royal Chocolate.. rich & thick chocolate
Raspberry and Lychee... taste to me quite ok but my friend find the taste like 药水.. lolx... 

Mud Cake... thick n rich

Table is full of dessert & drinks that we had to clear out some space for our next signature dish

Durian Crepes... thick filling but 肉是苦的
We had a fulfilling dessert day that our stomach can no longer contains our next meal… :P

Tel: 6730 1746

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