Saturday, 5 February 2011

Putien @ Nex

It was 3rd day of CNY, Lynn & Louie arranged for a meet up for 'lo hei' dinner at Putien. No reservation is allowed for small group during CNY thus we had to Q for it. Luckily we did not have to wait long for it...

clockwise: braised salted duck, 魚生, spinach w century eggs & half deep fried chicken 
clockwise: bamboo herbal prawn, putien lor mee, pomfret fry redwine & hingwa beehoon
A good dinning experience for us and for sure we will patron back.. :)

Add: 23 Serangoon Central, #02-18/19, NEX
Tel: 6634 7833
Lunch: 11.30am - 3.00pm
Dinner: 5.30pm - 10.00pm

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